New Podcast Episodes Now Loading

Whether catching up on the week’s events while commuting to work or uncovering a murder mystery while chilling poolside, podcasts are a huge part of daily lives and represent a major opportunity for you and your clients. But how large of an opportunity? Users are expected to spend 56 minutes with podcasts daily, with 140.9 [...]

Basis Can Do It

As you hopefully know, earlier this year we launched Ask Basis, where we answer a wide range of questions regarding the digital landscape. Recently, a question that we are all too familiar with was asked (and love to get )… “Are we able to do this through Basis?” With that in mind, we thought this [...]

GBO (Group Budget Optimization)

At the end of February, we discussed the importance of setting a KPI with the advertiser. We know that the KPI is important for reporting, renewal conversations, and benchmarking. Most importantly, it will determine campaign optimizations including how the campaign budget is allocated across the tactics on your media plan. Let’s look at an example: [...]