Make Yourself Hard to Cancel: The Pitch

By: Alyssa Hamm Moving from The Discovery Process to The Pitch, we are working our way through the sales cycle in our Make Yourself Hard to Cancel series. Once you have set yourself apart in the initial sales process by providing value, learning about the client and establishing a goal, it is time to present [...]

2021-08-16T18:15:10-05:00Newsletter Posts|

Publisher Solutions Panel: What could a local seller do to differentiate themselves from the competition?

Jaimie Hefelfinger: Call me crazy, but I prefer selling commodities. This is where true partnerships and salesmanship come into play rather than just selling shiny objects. To set yourself apart in this environment, I would focus on the advertiser rather than yourself/your products. I would bring industry research and case studies relevant to their business. [...]

2021-07-13T15:24:16-05:00Newsletter Posts|

Make Yourself Hard to Cancel: The Discovery Process

By: Alyssa Hamm When you are calling on new business or meeting with a new advertiser for the first time, there are two things that can really help you set yourself apart from the local competition: establish yourself as knowledgeable about the industry, and let go of your self-interests and learn about the advertiser. Establishing [...]

2021-07-13T15:24:38-05:00Newsletter Posts|

Benefits of a Branding Campaign

By: Jaimie Hefelfinger Do you know what was missing from the show Mad Men? A lot of advertising jargon. No one was talking about attribution, return on ad spend (ROAS), dynamic revenue macros, etc. None of those terms existed…and yet, people were still advertising. Sales were still increasing. Revenue was coming in. Branding was the [...]

2021-06-03T20:53:46-05:00Newsletter Posts|

Digital Video Featuring CTV

By: Alyssa Hamm According to eMarketer, digital video ad spend is expected to grow by 25.7% in 2021 to a record-breaking $44.91B. And when you look at the viewing numbers, this advertising boom makes perfect sense: in 2020, viewers spent an average of two hours and 13 minutes per day watching digital video. While this [...]

2021-06-15T17:38:14-05:00Newsletter Posts|

Streaming Audio & Podcasts

By: Alyssa Hamm Streaming audio saw a major increase in usage over the past year—fueled in no small part by the impacts of the pandemic. More than 70% of the U.S. population tuned into digital audio last year (eMarketer). According to Pandora, time of day listening started to shift, and people were listening to streaming [...]

2021-04-14T02:06:36-05:00Newsletter Posts|

Publisher Solutions Panel – Automation

How is automation finding its way into your conversations? John Hyland: This is an exciting question—and timely! Typically, media companies engage with me while addressing the challenges associated with “buying” across several channels. However, in recent months, the language has changed from “buying” to “booking.” Specifically, media companies, whether through partnership or acquisition, are bringing [...]

2021-04-13T15:53:07-05:00Newsletter Posts|

Entertainment & Gaming Vertical

By: Alyssa Hamm A year ago, traditional entertainment as we know it shut down. Museums, zoos, and theme parks closed. Sports and concerts were without fans, postponed—or worse, cancelled. To say traditional entertainment advertisers have had to get creative in the past year would be an understatement. Museums and zoos are now offering behind-the-scenes virtual [...]

2021-03-05T16:43:04-06:00Newsletter Posts|