Publisher Solutions Panel – Automation

How is automation finding its way into your conversations? John Hyland: This is an exciting question—and timely! Typically, media companies engage with me while addressing the challenges associated with “buying” across several channels. However, in recent months, the language has changed from “buying” to “booking.” Specifically, media companies, whether through partnership or acquisition, are bringing [...]

2021-04-13T15:53:07-05:00Newsletter Posts|

Entertainment & Gaming Vertical

By: Alyssa Hamm A year ago, traditional entertainment as we know it shut down. Museums, zoos, and theme parks closed. Sports and concerts were without fans, postponed—or worse, cancelled. To say traditional entertainment advertisers have had to get creative in the past year would be an understatement. Museums and zoos are now offering behind-the-scenes virtual [...]

2021-03-05T16:43:04-06:00Newsletter Posts|

Advertising in a World with Data Regulations

By: Jaimie Hefelfinger In last month’s newsletter, we discussed upcoming data regulations that are expected to impact the advertising industry. The major theme to the regulations is giving users transparency into which brands are tracking them and what information is being collected. Companies like Apple and Google are implementing changes such as asking users for [...]

2021-02-16T20:44:47-06:00Newsletter Posts|

Fighting the Competition

Competition is inevitable, especially with local advertising dollars. Business owners are being called on by variety of reps–everything from billboard to print to local agencies. Competition will always be around, but there are ways you can stand apart from the other reps pitching local business. Discovery Meeting Ask Questions: Ask A LOT of questions. Find [...]

2021-01-16T07:33:51-06:00Newsletter Posts|

Local Retail, the Pandemic, and Digital Media

US retail is expected to increase in 2020. Even with the pandemic and the expected decrease of spend in brick and mortar locations total sales are expected to increase 0.90%. Increased eCommerce will offset the losses in traditional brick and mortar shopping (eMarketer, Oct 2020). While eCommerce had certainly been making an impact on holiday [...]

2021-01-16T07:33:52-06:00Newsletter Posts|

Basis DSP Updates from Your CSM: George Leff

Below is a list of the new exchanges that have been added to Basis. Unity - Unity is the world's most widely used real-time development platform, giving developers the tools to create rich 2D and 3D games and experiences. Over 50% of new mobile games and over 60% of all AR/VR is built with Unity. They [...]

2021-01-16T07:34:00-06:00Newsletter Posts|