Pitching Political

By: Will Bolles Now that the holiday season is officially over, it’s time to talk about the one thing you did your best to avoid while spending time with family: POLITICS! The 2020 U.S. elections were both historic and challenging. We saw record turnouts both at the polls and via mail in ballots, which led [...]

2022-07-26T17:47:47-05:00Newsletter Posts|

New Segments – Political Contextual Segments from Comscore and L2

Comscore has partnered with L2 (Political) to deliver Predictive Audiences. This partnership will combine L2’s unparalleled voter insights with Comscore’s Predictive Audiences methodology to create the first of its kind cookie-free political audiences. Now advertisers can leverage Comscore Predictive Audiences powered by L2 insights to reach audiences based on political behaviors such as voting likelihood [...]

2022-02-17T21:22:26-06:00Newsletter Posts|

Publisher Solutions Seller Resources Review

There is nothing we love more than helping you to stand out against the competition and look good (and knowledgeable!) in front of your advertisers. Part of being our partner means you have access to a wide variety of resources to make you more dangerous when selling digital. Check out an outline of some of [...]

2021-11-19T03:10:26-06:00Newsletter Posts|

Basis Capabilities Review

By: Alyssa Hamm These days, anyone can offer digital products. However, it’s important to remember how audience extension through a DSP can set you apart. As always, everything starts with a good sales process and a solid needs assessment with the advertiser. (For tips on how to set yourself apart and not get cancelled during [...]

2021-10-15T21:18:51-05:00Newsletter Posts|

Make Yourself Hard to Cancel: The Report

By: Jaimie Hefelfinger I am still buzzing from the excitement of this year’s Olympic Games. Summer and Winter alike—if the Olympics are on, I am watching them. Every year, I notice the same trend in my observations. When the Olympics first start, I am in awe of the athletes (“Can you believe that someone can [...]

2021-09-02T19:46:46-05:00Newsletter Posts|

Make Yourself Hard to Cancel: The Pitch

By: Alyssa Hamm Moving from The Discovery Process to The Pitch, we are working our way through the sales cycle in our Make Yourself Hard to Cancel series. Once you have set yourself apart in the initial sales process by providing value, learning about the client and establishing a goal, it is time to present [...]

2021-08-16T18:15:10-05:00Newsletter Posts|