Tell us about your best sales call? What made it great?
John Hyland: VP Publisher Solutions
My favorite sales call was at an agency in Jacksonville, FL. Midway through the call it came out that everyone in the room was a Packers fan. Luckily, there is a YouTube clip of me being interviewed by the news at a packers game. I brought it up on the screen and we all watched it with joyous glee. It jumpstarted a great relationship and we ended up doing business together. I do not remember any other details from the meeting, but it set the stage for many fruitful meetings to come.
Jaimie Hefelfinger: Account Lead, Publisher Solutions
My favorite sales call was at a ski resort during my time here at Centro. I had gone to this resort as a kid, so I had a personal connection. Pulling up to the call, I was giddy with excitement to get a backstage view of how it runs. We started off the call with a full tour of everything from the lodge to the conference spaces to the hotel. I was taking mental notes the whole time on how we can help all of their lines of business from lift tickets to corporate meetings to hotel reservations. Once back in the Marketing office, we did a deep dive into what they had previously executed in advertising and marketing (not just digital), their upcoming initiatives, who they were trying to reach, their primary and secondary goals, etc. What was scheduled as an hour meeting quickly turned into 3+ hours of chatting and learning. They had such a fantastic team who was willing to share information on their end and genuinely interested in our recommendations. We still work together and they’re still one of my favorites. Every time we finish a campaign, we do another deep dive into the results and revisit their target and goals. We’re always learning something new and tweaking our approach. It’s a digital media nerd’s dream. It’s been a blast!
Alyssa Hamm: Sr. Account Lead, Publisher Solutions
My favorite sales call was a cold call I did when I was a new business rep at a newspaper. I walked into the senior living center not really expecting much, but little did I know I was about to meet one of my future favorite clients. I sat down with the head of marketing and we started chatting. I learned so much about their business and strategy and we started to chat about ways we could work together. I didn’t walk away with a sale that day, but within a couple of weeks I had my first IO. This cold call became one of my favorite and most lucrative clients while I was at the paper. Not only was my contact interested in being creative and trying new things with her advertising dollars, she became a genuine friend. I would sometimes head to her office just to catch up and not talk about business at all! When I decided to move to Chicago, she was the first client I told. Cold calling can be tough, but the memory of this call and client remind me that something good might just pop up with that next reach out.
Mike Dean: Account Lead, Publisher Solutions
I was training a new digital seller while in Charlotte on a market visit. This was her first jump from print to digital and she was extremely nervous. We went over the budget based sales approach and I stressed pitching solutions to problems instead of just products like she was used to. On her first pitch you could clearly see her nerves, lack of confidence, and fear. Right when I was getting ready to jump in and try and help her salvage the pitch, she asked the business owner a probing question I brought up in training and just let the client start talking. From there she jumped right into more questions which got the business owner talking about their goals, expectations, and why they took the meeting with us. About 15 minutes later we walked out of there with an Insertion Order and went into the next meeting and you’d think this rep had been selling digital for years. I was beyond proud and even happier as I saw more and more IOs come over from this rep over the next few months. It just goes to show you that if you force yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and take the tips and trick you learn, you can be successful.
Christine Paulson: Director, Publisher Solutions
My favorite sales call was with a big national publisher in Los Angeles. This sales call marked the beginning of a very long sales cycle but it is one in which solidified trust and our relationship as they ultimately became one of my biggest partners. The call had all of the right decision makers in the room and I could tell that they were coming into the meeting with an open mind and wanting to learn more which is always a blessing. We also had the chance to spend a good chunk of the meeting establishing rapport and learning more about our backgrounds. It didn’t hurt that there were a few Angelenos in the room (like myself) that we could bond over sports teams (Dodgers!) and more. In this initial meeting, we did not focus on Centro or our offerings at all because I wanted to first dig into their business. They were a very open customer, and revealed many insights into their strategy and goals as a company. To me, this indicated that trust was built and it opened the door for a very tailored presentation on our offerings in a future meeting. The rapport established also helped pave the way for many fun outings with the customer as we continued to build our relationship. Overall, any sales call in which the spotlight is on the customer and not on you is a good sales call as it gives you the opportunity to operate as a consultant. You know it’s a good dynamic when it feels like a partnership versus a traditional “client” relationship and often times that starts with your first meeting!