Centro’s, Noor Naseer, senior director, of the Media Innovations + Technology team, focuses on thought leadership and education on emerging trends. She shares knowledge in the field and office, by hosting a variety of events in-person and online. We have asked her to weigh-in on a variety of popular topics across the digital landscape—review her insights below.


Question: Can you talk a little bit about footfall attribution? The players in the space, what makes data credible, and best practices for this type of tracking.

Answer (Noor Naseer):

Footfall attribution remains popular and has been since it was first introduced to digital advertisers 7+ years ago. Some of the most popular location attribution providers for measuring footfall/foot traffic lift include Cuebiq, Factual, Ninth Decimal and Foursquare. Each has some variance in methodology and available metrics. Today, the gold standard is to offer ongoing reports that can be pulled and viewed while the campaign is live and post-campaign reports that consolidate data throughout the entire course of the campaign run.

In terms of credibility, a number of factors need to be considered, starting with where and how the data is being sourced. A big component in assessing credibility is understanding where the location data is coming from (which apps) and the persistence with which that location data is being collected. Knowing the variety, volume, popularity and functionality of apps that an attribution partner can tap into can provide color on the strength of an attribution partner’s location graph.


Q: What do you think is the biggest trend in the mobile space right now?

A (NN):

I think two most popular trends that hold the top spots (and have been for an extended period of time) are two types of data: location and app data. These data sources enable precise targeting of custom mobile audience segments. Advertisers rely on these data types in the mobile space since cookies do not function as well in mobile, as they do in desktop environments.  

Another trend that is gaining popularity is Augmented Reality (AR). AR relies heavily on mobile devices to bring an augmented experience to life, merging the real and digital worlds. More AR experiences are offering innovative ways for marketers to foster important relationships with customers and in many cases, drive consumers down the funnel to eventually garner sales.


Q: Can you comment on location-based audience data? What is the future of this space?

A (NN):

We’re going to see continued improvement in the quality of location data. The apps that are being used to create location-based audiences are becoming increasingly persistent. Also, the ability to accurately map the footprint of a user and their associated real-world interests will be significantly enhanced, meaning more accurate audience segments to target against.


Q: What is the biggest trend in the video space right now?

A (NN):

One of the trends that is driving the growth of mobile video advertising, vertical video, continues to gain momentum in the video space. eMarketer forecasts that programmatic mobile video ad spending will hit $14.89 billion this year and rise to $18.12 billion in 2020. Media buyers are allocating more dollars towards mobile video because mobile-specific viewership continues to climb. Current eMarketer forecasts anticipate that there will be approximately 188 million smartphone video viewers in 2019 and that number will climb to nearly 205 million by 2022. Another survey cited Instagram Stories as the number one mobile video format that marketers were looking to explore in 2019. Video is powerful!


Q: How can advertisers best incorporate OTT video content into their media strategy? Can you provide any best practices or advice for this type of inventory?

A (NN):

For clients who have been historically spending a lot of their media dollars running traditional TV spots, OTT is a place that absolutely requires consideration. An Ad Perceptions study run in conjunction with the IAB, found that 40% of future digital video ads would be bought from dollars taken from spend formerly earmarked for broadcast TV advertising. Additionally, the volume of US ‘cord cutters’ are growing at an accelerated pace.

While OTT continues to grow in popularity, advertisers must acknowledge its limitations as well, starting with understanding that CTV is a subset of OTT. CTV represents inventory that is streamed to a smart or connected TV device—with this in mind, advertisers must have an appreciation for the fact that OTT inventory can run across internet-enabled televisions, but also desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets. They must decide if they only want to run their spots in a TV-only environment, or if they’re open to capitalizing on other viewing habits that consumers are exhibiting today.

Also, the same alignment strategy that many advertisers are accustomed to when securing upfront linear TV buys doesn’t quite translate to the OTT space, at least not yet. Advertisers should focus on choosing a type of content that is bundled together, rather than attempting to isolate inventory for individual programs

Finally, advertisers must recall that the primary purpose of OTT advertising is to drive upper funnel metrics, such as brand awareness and recall. OTT does not offer a great direct response (DR) strategy to drive an efficient volume of conversion actions. http://www.otc-certified-store.com/hypertension-medicine-europe.html www.zp-pdl.com